Michael Scott is the clueless branch manager of the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company based in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Although he has good intentions, his relaxed management style has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion.
Unlike the way he conducts himself at the workplace, Michael’s style is usually strictly professional, but he revels in celebrating casual Friday.
Should you ever wish to create an accurate Michael Scott costume or even just integrate some Michael Scott flair into your own wardrobe, you’ve found the only resource you’ll ever need.
Clothing Purchasing Guide
We recommend:
Close Match: Cianni Single Breasted Trench Coat
Close Match: Men's Sport Coat
Close Match: Men's Dress Pants
Close Match: J. VER Dress Shirt (White)
Close Match: Men's Dress Shoes (Black)
Close Match: Covona Patterned Tie
Close Match: Men's Analog Watch
Exact Match: Red "Scranton" T-Shirt
Close Match: Levi's Twill Cargo Shorts (British Khaki)
Exact Match: The Office World's Best Boss Mug
Outerwear & Shirts
Pants & Shorts
Shoes & Socks
Michael's style overview:
- Dark suits/jeans/shoes
- White & light-blue dress shirts
- "World's Best Boss" mug
Michael's Jackets & Coats

Michael’s coats and jackets are as numerous as his poorly delivered quips.
Being the manager of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch, Michael Scott has to portray an image of professionalism. He certainly can’t accomplish this based on the way he conducts himself. So his wardrobe plays an important role.
Michael has a good deal of variety when it comes to his jackets. He is noted as having worn a trench coat, sport coats in many different colors, and even a zip-up hoodie on casual Friday.
Michael can be seen many separate times throughout the series in a full-length trench coat. This Taupe single breasted raincoat is a perfect match to the one Michael wears.
Here is a gray sportcoat that is a great match to the one seen worn by Michael G. Scott on The Office.
This P&L sport coat in navy blue is nearly identical to a few of the ones Michael wears around his work space.
This P&L black sport coat is appropriate for just about any occasion and it’s also incredibly similar to the ones worn by Michael while managing Dunder Mifflin Scranton.
Whether it’s casual Friday or a company picnic, this Hanes black zip-up hoodie is a great match to the ones worn by Michael whenever he has the opportunity to dress down.
Michael Scott's Shirts of Leisure & Business
Michael is known to wear as many different shirts as are imaginable. For the most part however he is usually seen in a white or blue button down dress shirt (more often white).
As I stated previously, there are many times when Michael will break free from the mundane routine of his professional attire and opt for a much more comfortable option, like his favorite “Scranton” t-shirt.
This J. VER white dress shirt is arguably the most versatile piece within the closet of Michael Scott, as it can be paired effectively with just about any tie and sportcoat. Obviously it matches the style of Michael perfectly.
This Van Heusen dress shirt in cameo blue is another nearly identical match to the ones worn by Michael.
This red “Scranton” t-shirt should look familiar because it is the same as the one worn by Michael to the Dunder Mifflin Company picnic.
Michael's Patterned Neckties

Perhaps it’s a matter of personal taste, but I personally am not a fan of the loud, busy neckties of Michael Scott. Regardless - Michael has a seemingly endless supply of neckties as I can’t say for certain that I have ever seen him wear the same one twice.
Here is a red necktie by Covona with geometric pattern that fits the style of Michael Scott to a T. It would work well with any of the suits and shirts mentioned in this article.
This gray classic pattern necktie would also compliment any shirt or suit mentioned in this article as well. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also quite similar to the style of neckties worn by Michael.
Michael's Big Boy Pants
Michael’s pants (as his suits) are often times dark in color matching his sport coats. He keeps them on for most of the series other than a few awkward moments (like when Pam catches him changing in his office).
These gray dress pants are an exact match to the ones Michael has worn on The Office.
Here we have a set of slacks in navy blue that are an excellent match to the style of Michael G. Scott.
These Haggar black slacks are clearly within the range of Michael’s fashion sensibility. They are a simple and basic in design and work well with just about any shirt and tie.
Michael’s blue jeans are quite possibly the only reason he instituted casual fridays at Dunder Mifflin. He loves his jeans so much they make him behave even less predictably than usual. These Levi's 501 medium stone wash jeans are very similar to ones Michael Scott slips his legs into.
Finally we have Michael’s other go-to casual wear, his khaki shorts. These are the same shorts worn with the black hoodie and red “Scranton” t-shirt. These Levi's twill cargo shorts match nicely.

Michael's Fabulous Footwear
Michael's shoes are just about the pinnacle in professional footwear, considering that he is such of connoisseur of men's shoes. So much in fact it’s Michael's dream to open a fancy men's shoe store called “Shoe-La-La.”
These are some fine, quality men’s shoes. So let’s check out a couple pairs now.
These brown cowboy boots match Michael Scott’s exactly from the time when he departed the fair city of Scranton forever in order to join Holly in Colorado.
These black wingtip dress shoes are a perfect match to the shoes worn season after season by our favorite procrastinator, Michael Scott.
Scott's Socks
Michael’s socks are pretty basic. He tends to wear black dress socks with his business attire and white athletic tube socks with his casual gear.
Then again, you may not even need socks if you’re looking to build a Michael Scott cosplay. A clever alternative to socks could be bubble wrap, like when Michael burned his foot on his George Foreman Grill.
These black Hanes socks are a perfect match to the ones Michael wears with all of his suits and slacks.
These Hanes white tube socks are an exact match to the ones worn by Michael during his times of physical activity and casual meetings. Click here if you are in need of a box full of socks - a socks box.

The accessories Michael uses most often are pretty basic and simplistic in nature. A few of them are items he wears every single day to the office such as a belt, the others are frivolous baubles that can be seen prominently displayed in Michael's office.
This analog watch is surprisingly indistinguishable from the one worn by Michael during the mid-late span of the shows run.
Here is a dress belt that is a great match to the belt worn by Michael.
Arguably the most important accessory for any accurate Michael Scott outfit is his “World’s Best Boss” Coffee mug. Check it out here.
This bubble wrap should serve your foot wrapping purposes should you burn your foot on your George Foreman grill.
Finishing up the accessories section of our Michael Scott guide, we have one of the most valuable prizes ever to be won… a Dundie. Michael's very own office version of a Grammy or Emmy award. Click here if you know someone who deserves some recognition.
There you have it, yet another addition to our growing collection of “how to dress like” guides. As always if there is anything you feel we may have glossed over or simply missed entirely please let us know. It’s our goal to continue to provide the most up-to-date style guides available.