If you like television shows, movies, and their clothing as much as we do, we're always looking for new writers. You don't have to be a professional writer - none of us are. Just remember, we write full articles on characters' clothing styles. While there are plenty of websites out there that do something similar to what we do (finding close/exact matches to clothing from TV and movies), they just have images and links to buy the items.
The goal here at TVSG is to also explain the style, and describe the differences and similarities on what we've found. Readers should not only be able to buy exact/close matches from our articles, but also be able to understand the character's style enough to go out and buy items on their own that fit the style.
I Want to Write for You...What do I do?
Write! But seriously, if you want to write about a character (from a TV show or movie) that we haven't covered yet, that's great! If you have an idea for an article on a character we already cover, that's okay too, just make sure we haven't covered that character's specific style yet.
Your best bet is to contact us first and let us know what you want to write about. I'll probably say go ahead pretty much no matter what, but just in case you want to double check.
Once you've written your article, contact us and I'll get back to you and let you know if we'll accept it. Keep in mind if I find you've copied your article from somewhere else, I won't contact you, and of course your article won't go up.
Comparison Images
If you want to go through and get screencaps of the items for your article, feel free. But if you don't want to go through all of that trouble, just include the season and episode that the item is from and I'll screencap it for you.
As for the actual items you find, we try to stick to Amazon just because it's a very trusted site, and I don't ever, in any of the articles, link to websites that I personally would feel uncomfortable purchasing from. So keep that in mind when you're looking for close/exact match items. Speaking of the items you find, make sure you include links to them when you submit your article.
How Good Does it Have to Be?
Correct grammar and spelling are pretty high up there in priority. Also we don't exactly have a "minimum" word count requirement, but if you're writing a thorough article on an entire character's clothing style, you should easily be able to hit 1,000+ words. If you're well under that (like 700 or lower), you aren't going into enough detail.
That's really about it. It doesn't have to be professional level writing here, in fact, if you're an aspiring writer, this would be a good way to build your portfolio.